Refund and Returns Policy


Our refund and return policy remains valid for 30 days. After this period, we cannot process any refunds or exchanges.

To qualify for a return, the items must be unused, in the original packaging, and in the same condition as when you received them.

We cannot accept returns on certain goods, such as:
– Perishable products (food, flowers, etc.)
– Intimate or sanitary items
– Hazardous or flammable materials
– Gases or liquids

Other non-returnable items include:

  • Gift cards
  • Downloadable software
  • Certain personal care and health items

A receipt or proof of purchase is required for returns.

Do not send your purchase back to the manufacturer.

Partial refunds might be offered in these situations:

  • Books showing clear signs of use
  • Opened media (CDs, DVDs, etc.)
  • Items not in original condition, damaged, or with missing parts due to causes beyond our control
  • Items returned more than 30 days after delivery


After receiving and inspecting your returned item, we’ll email you to confirm receipt and inform you of your refund status. If approved, we’ll process a refund and credit the original payment method within a few days.

Late or Missing Refunds

  • Double-check your bank account.
  • Contact your credit card issuer for updates on refund posting.
  • Reach out to your bank to understand their processing times.

If you still haven’t received your refund, contact us at [email protected].

Sale Items

Only regularly priced items can be refunded. Sale items are non-refundable.


Exchanges are available for defective or damaged items only. Contact us via email at [email protected], and send your item to 49 Trinity Road, Billericay, CM11 2RT, United Kingdom

If the item was a gift and shipped directly to you, you’ll receive a gift credit for the return value. Once we receive the returned item, a gift certificate will be mailed to you.

If the gift giver shipped it to themselves first, they’ll receive the refund.

Shipping Returns

Return items to 49 Trinity Road, Billericay, CM11 2RT, United Kingdom

  • Shipping costs are non-refundable and should be covered by the customer.
  • If a refund is issued, return shipping costs will be deducted from it.
  • The exchange time may vary based on your location.

For valuable items, consider using a trackable shipping service or purchasing insurance, as we cannot guarantee receipt of your returned item.

Need Assistance?

For questions about refunds and returns, reach out to us at [email protected].